Year Of Establishment
Year Of Establishment
ERP Deliveries
TechnoArt Software (TAS) is a software development company. We have started our journey as a software developer from 2010 and since then we have never looked back. TAS provides Standardized ERP Softwares as well as Enterprise Softwares designed to meet the ever changing needs of the Customer. It provides software ranging from SME to Large enterprises. We have valiantly done business for a long time and is very well known for our professionalism and expertise.
If you have a business we have a business solution for you!
A easy to understand manufacturing business solution starting from planning of raw materials till the end process.
You can know a gentle man by their shoes and you can know your business through our software.
When a lot of remedies are suggested for a disease, that means it cannot be cured but we have solution to cure all your business diseases.
Office: 28/3, Road - 4, Block-D, Eastern Housing, Arambagh, Mirpur-7, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.
Phone: +880248040622, +8801923710977